The computer room at the LACC is one of the most favored rooms among the kids. Each of the kids must sign up for a specific time slot. They play many computer games including Dora the Explorer and Soldier of Fortune. Another favorite past time in the computer room concerns neopets. A neopet is a computerized program where anyone can create and maintain their neopets. I have never made a neopet before and it is one of the things that the kids like to teach you how to do. One of the groups at the LACC is the Techies. The techies are a group of students that had to pass a written test that Mr. Steve made that includes knowledge about a computer. Once they kids have passed the test they help the kids in the computer room navigate the internet. One of the greatest components of the computer room is the actual computers. All of the computers have been built and programmed by kids at the LACC. When the kids have built the computers they have the option of taking them home. Mr. Steve is one of the kids favorite staff members. He changed the computer room into a learning experience for the kids, teaching them how to use different programs on the computer and actually build their own computers.
The following are pictures from the computer room at the LACC. Top Left: Christine playing with one of the kids. Top Right: Kids playing on the computers
Bottom Left: Stephanie programming the computer that another kid built. Bottom Right: Mr. Steve.