From: Eugene Matusov
Submit: Post Field Note
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 06 Oct 1996
Time: 16:38:45
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Hi Jacob--
I think you are focused on very interesting event. Like Annie, I think it seemed to be a moment of transformation of child's motivation. Like Pablo and Annie, I'd like to know more about the event and what you think about it.
What was A. full name. It is better to know that because other students can continue making observations of the girl.
You wrote, "She walked by the computer, when she saw the "lion king" her eyes were shining and she sat right down to watch. Later she solved jigsaw-puzzles, while her first comment was "i can't" she learned amazingly quickly. Unfortunately time was up when she began to feel more secure."
I'd like to know:
1) Was A playing alone or with other kids (if so, who were they?)?
2) Whom and why did A comment that she couldn't? What did this person(s) asked and responded?
3) Have you noticed what was A. way of solving the puzzle and learning how to do that? What involved in A's transition of her motivation?
4) Did A. recieve any help from anybody else?
5) What was your role in this observation?
Your wrote, "That lion king was really motivating for A. and seemed to make it easier for her to move in this otherwise unfamiliar environment."
Why do you think that the environment (do you mean game or Barrios Unidos in general) was unfamiliar for the girl? Or let me put this in a different way, why do you think that unfamiliar environment is problematic for A? Why do you think her statement about the game can be transended to the entir environment?
Why did this event attract your attention? Can you extract a specific question that had guided your observation?