Re: FN:draft#1:Learning how to learn, MineSweepwer

From: David Scott
Submit: Post Field Note
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 08 Oct 1996
Time: 22:41:36
Remote Name:


The game Annie is referring to is called "MineSweeper", and it is a very difficult game for anyone to play. I don't recommend that we encourage the use of these "random playing" games. There are several CD games available in the lab. Most of them seem to be plugs for Disney products, but some of them may contain some educational content. Maybe we can post here some reviews of each of the games. I will try to find games I approve of on the Internet and make them available on the lab computers. If any of you have suggestions for computer games you would like to see, I would like to hear (read) them.



