Re: FN:draft#1: Feedback

From: Eugene Matusov
Submit: Post Field Note
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 09 Oct 1996
Time: 00:25:04
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Hi Sharon--

Congratulation with your first and very good fieldnote! I could follow your observation and excitement of working with I. (what is his full name?) My feeling is that you implictly tried to compare I. behavior at Barrios Unidos with kids perfomance in school. If it is so, you may consider asking I. about how he is doing in math in school and how he likes math.


PS. I like your catchy keywords, however, you may want to add more after clarifying your inquiry.



You wrote, " I was impressed to find him calculating difficult math problems and asking for paper and pencil for the problems he couldn't tackle in his head."

An example of a difficult problem can be really helpful. Also as Ed suggested, it is nice to provide a bit context of the activity: did you play on the floor, who suggested the activity, who invited whom to play, and so on.

You wrote, "I. showed me that he was indeed very capable of handling the job as banker on his own. "

I wonder, did I. SHOWED his skill to you or you NOTICED the skill in him? The difference is important because in the first case it is unclear why I. wanted to impress you, while the latter case does not need explanation because your observation was embedded in the activity.

" I. showed me not to underestimate children's abilities and motivation. " Here is another example. Please, clarify how intentional was I.

You wrote, " I. demonstrated confidence and security."

Can you provide some evidence of that, please?

" He was also having a great time."

How did you learn about that? Did you ask I or he said that he enjoyed? Or did you make observation? It is important for future research to know about the basis on which a conclusion was drawn.


I like your reflections. I think was you wrote in inquiry section is also reflection (although you seemed to really try to extract your inquiry). I'd add what you wrote in the inquiry section to this section.

When you wrote, " I was impressed to find him calculating difficult math problems and asking for paper and pencil for the problems he couldn't tackle in his head," I feel that you was not only impressed but surprise a bit. Is it right? If so, can you elaborate and make explicit your expections that turned to be wrong.


My guess of your inquiry is that you is raising question about using and learning math at school and in an informal setting like Barrios Unidos. If I'm right, you may want to articulate questions that you maybe interested in.