From: Pablo Chavajay
Submit: Post Feedback
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 09 Oct 1996
Time: 21:42:45
Remote Name:
Jess --your field note is great! The difficulties that you and Nella had in communicating seems to me to be a great learning experience for both of you. I'm sure that Nella learned a lot from your guidance/support as well as from Maurice's help.
I would be interested, as I imagine others might be, to hear your reflections about what kinds of nonverbal communication (e.g., demonstration) were useful for you and Nella when verbal communication was difficult in accomplishing your goals.
Your connections between your observations and the readings very interesting. I agree with your point that learning is not a solo accomplishment of an individual but is a process that involves others, even when they may not be present. Pablo