From: valerie boes
Submit: Post Message
Date: 14 Oct 1996
Time: 16:50:31
Eugene-i finished reading An assessment of learning through the qualitative analysis of fieldnotes yesterday. This article did two things for me. 1. gave me a better picture of what barrios unidos's learning environment should be like. and 2. made me a little concerned that barrios unidos seems to be far from the 5th dimension in san diego. "The normative rule that guides the student efforts is an istantiation of the idea of the zone of proximal development; "help as little as you can, but enough that the child is having a good time". This quote pretty much summed up what i think i'm suppose to be doing at b.u. Maybe we can talk about it in class. I've got a little suggestion. This article was easy to read,comprehensible, and realated directly to what it is that we are doing. If it is possible can you try to include for our reading, more litariture about the 5th dimension in san diego. bye valerie