Re: FN#1 :draft#1:

From: louis lory
Submit: Post Field Note
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 17 Oct 1996
Time: 00:57:32
Remote Name:



Ayel please provde the n ame of the girl so I can refer back to your fieldnotes inorder to gain more info about this particular child.


Ayal, you wrote, "I noticed that while playing with the paintbrush program, she was very hesitant to try a new tool such as spray painting, or any of the things on the sideof the screen."

Ayal, did the girl understand the icons to the right of the screen? Could there have been a problem communicating? Also, could she have been interested in a different activity? Ayal, were you also hesitant as to maybe providing guidance and or instruction? Did you understand the paintbrush game, I know many of these games are new to me as well.

"Also after thinking of myself and many people i thought maybe it's part of our learning. We might be more hesitant to try something new and prefer to play with what we know."

Ayal, this sould be included in the reflections part of the fieldnotes. Your not describing the event.


You wrote "Maybe our job should be to help break down that wall many kids have of being afraid to try something new. To use a computer must include the willingness to explore. "

I also agree with you and would also like to be able to motivate the child to learn new games. Also, I feel once we build a rapport over time with the child and build confidence for both student and teacher.


You said "I noticed it because it was interesting to me why the girl would prefer to scribble on a screen and be content with that, when if she had a pen and paper in hend, she would done more than scribbling, I assume."

This is good but i believe this is more of a reflection and not why you choose this particular event.