Re: FN# :draft#1:

From: Ed Lopez
Submit: Post Comments
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 17 Oct 1996
Time: 15:22:48
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Ayal, very interesting observations. First off, you mentioned that you noticed tha the young girl you were interacting with used the paint brush and was a little hesitant to use the spray can. Why do you think that was so? I encourage you to elaborate on issues that you bring up. For example, one way is to put them into the context of a question and then make the attempt to answer it. Next, I found it interesting that you mentioned that your role maybe should be one to help kids break down the walls to learning. What do you think those walls are? Also, do you have any walls yourself? A nice way to help do this, and at the same time without posing strucutre on the child, is to play the role of a novice yourself and possibly as the kids quesitons. For example, "I wounder what the spray can does?" In a sense, the child has a choice to answer you or not and/or to act on what you suggested. Hope this helps, Ed.



