Re: FN#2:draft#1:

From: May Sarmac
Submit: Post Comments
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 19 Oct 1996
Time: 17:36:27
Remote Name:


Miguel, It was interesting that you said Diego and Marissa had some respect with each other when you worked wiht them. On Thursday, October 17, Diego wanted to play a game on one of the CD Rom computers, but a girl (I forgot her name) was playing something on the computer Diego wanted to play on. He started to try to push her off the computer and when she told him to stop, he just treied to take over the game/computer. After a while, he wouldn't let her finish what she was doing and she started to hit him. Maurice told Diego to let the girl finish what she was doing, but Diego wouldn't listen. Then Deigo tried to choke the girl. Maurice was trying really hard to keep Diego from choking the girl, but the harder Maurice help him back, the harder Diego tried to attack. The girl sat at the computer until Diego calmed down and then finished what she was working on. I thought it was strange when I read your comment about Diego and Marissa. I figured if any two children would have such a violent confrontation, it would be the two siblings. I didn't really expect two, non siblings to be violent and disrespectful with each other. From my own childhood, my older brother would have bullied me and would have had more respect for another child, not the other way around. How was it with you and your sisters? May



