From: Eugene Matusov
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VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 19 Oct 1996
Time: 18:06:46
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Hi May--
I just want to emphasize your experience of guiding when you don't know the answer yourself. You wrote, "When I can't figure out how to help a kid, I tell them I don't know what to do and offer to work with them to make sense out of the problem. A lot of the times, we just brainstorm together until one of us gets it. Then we explain to each other how to accomplish the task. Sometimes it's good be as lost as they are. "
I think the reason why these moments are important is that by observing what do you do in difficult situation without answer on hand, kids learn from you how to learn. What do you think? Can you also emphasize what kid of guidance you provided kids while brainstorming or frustrating-solving the problem together?