Re: FN# :draft#: hyper alex

From: David Scott
Submit: Post Comments
VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 21 Oct 1996
Time: 19:29:41
Remote Name:


Valerie, I thought it was interesting how your experiences playing "Connect Four" with the children was similiar to mine. So far, none of the kids I've played with knew the "real" rules to the game, but they each had their own idea of how to play, or at least entertain themselves. I would like for a child to learn the official rules and begin playing with some kind of strategy and comprehension for the consequences of their actions. "Connect Four" is just a variant of "Tic-Tac-Toe", so I thought this would be an easy analogy for them. So far, my only success it that I've only been able to get one child (Kyle) to learn to take turns at randomly places pieces in the game. What to do?


"Mountain, get out of my way!"

-- Montel Williams

