Re: ME: Having the game in front of you?

From: Jess thyne
Submit: Post Message
Date: 22 Oct 1996
Time: 19:11:07


Ayal said.. I'm not very clear as to what you mean by having the game right there. Are you saying that computers are not tangible and can therefore not provide for learning what atangible game can? I'm unclear as to what you mean. Eugene once told me that kids learn much just by using or constructing with their hands. That is they are learning through their hands and not their head. A mouse offers little room for that type of learning to take place. ________ Thats what I'm saying. The games are difficult to explain and I think, that they are difficult to learn, because non verbal communication (physical showing/teaching/learning) is styfled by the lack of materials in front of the student, only a mouse is avaliable.