ME: Guiding questions for the October 28 readings

From: Eugene Matusov
Submit: Post Message
Date: 23 Oct 1996
Time: 00:22:50


Hello everybody--

Below are my guiding questions for the October 28 readings.

Due October 28 (part II below; read at least any two of the following papers)

DeVillar, R.A. & Faltis, C.J. (1991). Computers and cultural diversity: Restructuring for school success. Albany: SUNY Press. -- Chapter 6: "Computer integrated instruction in culturally heterogeneous classrooms" & -- Conclusion.

Eugene's questions:

1) What is the "computer-integrated remediation" educational practice and what are consequences of it?

2) What is "deficiency"-based approach (and "deficit" theory) to minority and poor students? How would such approach be translated for Barrios Unidos kids? What is wrong with this approach?

3) How can you understand "learning as a lifelong process"? Give an example.

4) What are motivating factors of computer technology?

5) What is democratic aspect of telecommunication for children?

Teles, L. (1993). Cognitive apprenticeship on global networks. In L. Harasim (Ed.), Global networks: Computers and international communications. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Eugene's questions:

1) What are benefits of telecommunication for learning? Give examples.

2) What is scaffolding? Bring examples from Barrios Unidos.

3) What are cognitive and tele- apprenticeship and what do they involve?

Bier, M., Gallo, M., Sherblom, S., Pennick, Nuckols, E., & Mooers, S. (in press). Personal empowerment in the study of home Internet use by low-income families. The Journal of Research on Computers in Education.

Eugene's questions:

1) How did the low income families in the study use Internet?

2) What were consequences of using Internet for the participants? For did they feel about the change?

3) What were the changes in people's identity, education, community?

4) What were the consequences of the study for the participants?

5) What is ecological approach to use of Internet for low-income families?