ME:Maze and Wizard: pro and contras

From: Eugene Matusov
Submit: Post Message
Date: 06 Nov 1996
Time: 01:27:49


Hello everybody again--

I forgot to mention that we discuss Maze and Wizard. As you may know, some Steering Committee members have doubts about usefulness to have Maze and Wizard. I suggest to start discussion about that on the web. Can you spell out benefits and disadvantages of having Maze and Wizard?


PS I also forgot to tell you that I invited the Steering Committee to visit our class. They agree to do that. I tentatively plan their visit for Nov. 20 (Wed). We can talk about the project, Barrios Unidos, and a way to design narrative evaluation for the class.

PSS We also discussed a celebration at the end of the quarter with you, kids, and their parents at Barrios Unidos.