Re: FN# 6:draft#2:Fun drawing

From: May Sarmac
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VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 14 Nov 1996
Time: 14:30:35
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I agree with Mercedes that the reson Ana was throwing her art work away is related to her self esteem, at the same time, I still think it has to do with practice. Maybe Ana didn't think her work was good enough because she doesn't get enough practice drawing, so she doesn't think her work is good enough, which affects her self esteem. When she got more positive feedback about her drawings, I noticed that she was still a little unhappy about them, but she did more stuff to her drawings to maybe salvage them. What I found interesting about that was that after Ana got more positive feedback, she threw away less, did more drawing and settled for an "it's okay", which made progress from "it's ugly". After a while, she seemed pretty happy with drawing and coloring in what we drew for her.

As for Maria and Manuela, I think that they worked better with each other because it seemed like a teaching and learning situation. Though Manuela and Maria had problems, Maria had a little more expertise with solving the puzzle and shared some stategies with Manuela. They may have worked well together because they know how to relate to each other more than non-friends would. However, working with a friend does have its disadvantages because a person might feel embarrassed about not being as good as their friend when solving a task.

Back to Ana being a perfectionist, I think that it does shape a persons self esteem. On their way to perfectionism, children learn to be right. They will only do things if they are good at it or answer questions if they know their answer is right. However, I think that being a perfectionist can inhibit a childs learning because they will only do things that they're already good at rather than try something new that they can eventually be good at. I also think that being perfectionists can inhibit a childs social development in that they development a competitve mentality and may begin to feel superiority over others. I know that there are some social psychology references regarding being likeable and being a perfectionist, I just can't think of it clearly right now.



