From: May Sarmac
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VisitDate: 00/00/96
Date: 12 Dec 1996
Time: 20:15:51
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Ed and Mercedes, Cristina did seem to feel better after I started talking to her and we got to know each other. As for the kids apologizing to her, well they really didn't. Their form of apology was telling Cristina that they didn't really mean what they said earlier because now she was their friend. What was ironic was that the other two girls were Cristina's friend because Cristina had something they also wanted: Diego's pen.
I'm really not sure what kind of learning can take place when kids are getting teased or teasing each other. If there is learning that occurs, I think that kids learn how vicious one can be. I think that they can also learn empathy and defense. Mandisa and Mariel were telling me how they feel when they get icked on at school and told Cristina that they feel the same way she does when they get picked on. I'm not sure if the kids were competing for my attention. I noticed that they were misbehaving the most when Diego was in the room with them. When he left, everyone was getting along fine. Maybe Mandisa and Mariel were teasing Cristina because Diego was and the two girls wanted to be on his good side. When it was just me and the girls in the room and I was ignoring the girls that were teasing Cristina, I did notice that the teasing girls were trying hard to get into our conversation. So, maybe they did want my attention (they wanted someone to talk to about their dates and boyfriends). When Maurice and I were talking about it, we both came to the conclusion that though some kids may be cute, it doesn't mean they can't be vicious.