The Armenian Classroom
"The character of the
Armenian nation is reflected in
microcosm of its family life."
L.M. Haxthausen-Abbenburg
The library in the 10th- to 12th-century monastery of Sanahin inspired the design of the Armenian Room.
Armenian architects devised innovative arches to withstand frequent earthquakes. This room's arches, built of Indiana limestone, spring from the center of each wall to form the base for a stepped dome that terminates in the yertik, originally an opening to the sky.
Under a stone arch bearing carved pomegranates, the cross (khatchkar) on the white oak entrance door is surmounted by a profile of Mt. Ararat, spiritual homeland of Armenians. The gold-leafed alphabet on the window wall was developed on 404 A.D. Above the candle niche, a khatchkar based on one at the 12th-century Gheghard Monastery and the date 301 A.D. remind us that Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as its state religion.
Carved in the keystone of each chalkboard arch is an eagle reminiscent of those on the column capitals at the 7th-century Cathedral of Zvardnots. The heritage wall bears the names of historically important Armenians from the 1st century B.C. to the 20th century.
A basalt stone from the grounds of Sanahin serves as the cornerstone. In the mortar behind it are the thumbprints of five of the oldest Armenians living in the Pittsburgh area, as well as the handprint of six-month-old Nora Shnorhokian, the city's youngest Armenian, symbolizing the continuity of the Armenian presence in western Pennsylvania.
The Monastery of Sanahin is located in the region of Alaverdi and in the village of the same name. It is one of the most remarkable ensemble of monuments in Armenian Architecture. It was built and organized during the 10th to 13th centuries. Armenian clergymen who where persecuted in Byzantium during the first half of the 10th century, founded the church of the Holy Virgin. Then , in the second half of the 10th century, they started to build around it the main cathedral of Al lSavior (966A. D.), the Academy of Magistros (11th century), the round church of St. Gregory the Illuminator (1061), the Library (1063), the porch of the Cathedral of All Savior(1185),the Great Porch or Narthex (1211),the porch of the Library (first half of 13th century) and the belfry (13th century).