Psychology 101: Informal
Learning and Technology
Purposes & Expectations:
Participating in development of the class evaluation
To assume ownership and responsibility for your own
learning. We think that the class evaluation is aimed to
- to you how what you have learned in the class meets your
goals and expectations;
- to you what progress you made in the class:
- in learning about informal learning and
- in making ethnographic research in developmental
psychology (including writing field notes),
- in learning how to help ethnically diverse
children in an informal setting of working with
computers and telecommunication,
- in discussing and articulating your ideas at
class meetings and via the Web site,
- in learning via WWW telecommunication,
- in learning how to work in groups,
- in providing feedback and discussing ideas and
field notes of your fellow students,
- in presenting findings of your research,
- in learning how to discuss and integrate
literature and evidence in your research,
- in building a community of researchers,
- in learning how to build trusting and supporting
relations with studied community of children at
Barrios Unidos,
- in learning how to help Instructor and TAs to
provide guidance and design a class.
- to other people what you have learned in the class;
- to other people about your new level of expertise in the
developmental psychology areas of informal learning and
technology and ethnographic research;
- to other people about your new level of skills in
management of your own learning from and with other
Our expectations:
We expect you to help us to develop the
class evaluation narrative that will be meaningful for yourself
and other people who may request it (see Syllabus: Evaluation)
[Back to Purposes & Expectations] 
For comments and questions contact the Instructor Eugene Matusov.
©1996. Last changed: February 12, 2022