He married Dvoira Matusov. (Dvoira Matusov is #6.) Dvoira died March 1934. She was housewife
Dvoira became the mother of Solomon Shlame Fiveh Matusov in Smolevichi, Belorusia, February 23, 1895.
Fiveh became the father of Solomon Shlame Fiveh Matusov in Smolevichi, Belorusia, February 23, 1895.
Fiveh Matusov and Dvoira Matusov had the following children:
Clara Fiveh Matusov
2 i. Clara Fiveh2 Matusov (#20).
+ 3 ii. Solomon Shlame Fiveh Matusov was born February 23, 1895.
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