3. Andrei George2 Malyavin (George Tikhon1) (#201) was born Moscow, Russia July 29, 1958.
He married twice. He married Marina Malyavina Moscow, Russia, 1982. (Marina Malyavina is #202.) Marina became the mother of Andrei Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, April 13, 1983. Marina became the mother of Peter Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, May 9, 1985. He married Olga Shvets Moscow, Russia, 1990. (Olga Shvets is #205.)
Olga became the mother of Olga Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, July 14, 1991.
At 24 years of age Andrei became the father of Andrei Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, April 13, 1983. At 26 years of age Andrei became the father of Peter Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, May 9, 1985. At 32 years of age Andrei became the father of Olga Andrei Malyavin Moscow, Russia, July 14, 1991.
Andrei George Malyavin and Marina Malyavina had the following children:
5 i. Andrei Andrei3 Malyavin (#203) was born Moscow, Russia April 13, 1983.
6 ii. Peter Andrei Malyavin (#204) was born Moscow, Russia May 9, 1985.
Andrei George Malyavin and Olga Shvets had the following child:
7 iii. Olga Andrei Malyavin (#206) was born Moscow, Russia July 14, 1991.
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