Eugene Matusov's Publications |
Matusov, E. (2025). Civil disobedience in democratic education. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 59, doi: 10.1007/s12124-024-09888-y. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2025). Grading and ungrading in democratic dialogic classes situated in a conventional higher education institution. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 59, doi: 10.1007/s12124-025-09903-w. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2025). Why do college students choose the option of the Open Syllabus in a conventional university? Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 13(1), E1-E16, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2025.695. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2024). Lev Tolstoy, a founder of democratic education. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 58, 19301962, doi: 10.1007/s12124-024-09860-w. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2024). The teachers pedagogical fiduciary duty to their students. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 58, 12351260, doi: 10.1007/s12124-022-09690-8. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2024). The Pros, Cons, and temptations of gadgets for Democratic Education in the caged university. Schools: Studies in Education, 21(1), 117-136, doi: 10.1086/729549.
Matusov, E. (2024). The stand of Dialogic Pedagogy in our times of peace and war: My perspective. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 12(1), E1-E35, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2024.598. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2024). A happy system crasher at home and in conventional and democratic schools. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 12(1), E36-E57, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2024.626. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2024). Community vs. society: The normative vision of sociality in joint self-education. Culture and Psychology, 30(1), 3-29, doi: 10.1177/1354067X221147681.
Matusov, E., ChatGPT4, Smith, M. P., & Shugurova, O. (2024). Does ChatGPT4 have a dialogical self?: A Bakhtinian perspective. Culture & Psychology, 30(4), 841-870, doi: 10.1177/1354067X231219454.
Matusov, E. (2023). Self Managed Learning: A hybrid of Progressive and Democratic Education. On the Horizon: The International Journal of Learning Futures, 31(3/4), 196-205, doi: 10.1108/OTH-08-2023-0029.
Matusov, E. (2023). Образовательный режим бахтинского диалога [The educational regime of the Bakhtin dialogue]. Бахтниский вестник [The Bakhtin Bulliten], 9(1), 1-16. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2023). Democracy, dialogism, therapy, progressivism, anarchism, and other values in Martin Dubermans innovative pedagogy. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 11(2), A49-A92, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2023.385. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. & Lin, A. (2023, March 10). Conversations with Eugene Matusov on ChatGPT, Dialogic Assessment and Education for Leisure. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2023). Teacher as a benevolent dictator: Promoting an educational culture of democratic dialogic education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 11(2), A245 - A260, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2023.331. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2023). Relationships between Democratic Education and Dialogic Education: Conclusion. Dialogic Pedagogy Journal, 11(2), A285-A296, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2023.560. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2023). The educational regime of the Bakhtinian dialogue (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 11, E1-E15, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2023.561. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2023). Sociocultural positivism: Critical evaluation in three research vignettes. Culture & Psychology, 29(4), 742-768, doi: 10.1177/1354067X221114131.
Matusov, E. (2022). The possible in the life and work of Mikhail M. Bakhtin. In V. P. Glaveanu (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible (pp. 1261-1267), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90913-0_40. New York: Springer International Publishing.
Matusov, E. (2022). Гаджеты в подневольном университетском демократическом образовании: Плюсы, минусы и соблазны (Gadgets in the caged university democratic education: The pros, cons, and temptations). In A. Tulchinova (Ed.), Не про гаджеты: 42 истории (Not about gadgets: 42 cases). Moscow: Redigo.
Shugurova, O., Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2022). The University of Students: A place for joint self-education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 10, E1-E42, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2022.497. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2022). Progressive Education is the opium of the educators. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 56, 829862, doi: 10.1007/s12124-021-09610-2.
Matusov, E. (2021). Teacher as a benevolent dictator. In R. Hampel (Ed.), Radical Teaching in Turbulent Times. Historical Studies in Education (pp. 207-226), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77059-4_12. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Matusov, E. (2021). The relationship between education and learning and its consequences for dialogic pedagogy. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 9, E1-E19. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2020).
Envisioning education in a post-work leisure-based society: A dialogic
perspective, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46373-1. New York: Palgrave.
Matusov, E. (2020). A student's right to freedom of education and a teacher's
fiduciary obligation to support it: Reply to the commentaries. Dialogic
Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, SF97-SF114, doi:
10.5195/dpj.2020.357. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2020). A students right to freedom of education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, SF1-SF28, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2020.356. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2020). Dialogic analysis of the teachers pedagogical decision-making in a lesson on the educational controversies of religious holidays in a dialogic multi-regime college classroom. In M. C. Oliveira, A. U. Branco & S. F. Freire (Eds.), Psychology as a Dialogical Science: Self and culture mutual development (pp. 29-50), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44772-4. New York: Springer.
Matusov, E., & Sullivan, P. (2020). Pedagogical violence. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 54(2), 438-464, doi: 10.1007/s12124-019-09512-4i.
Matusov, E., & Pease-Alvarez, C. (2020). Moving from collaboration to critical dialogue in action in education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, A1-A19, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2020.292. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2020). Elever og lrere som autorer i en bakhtinsk kritisk dialog (Students and teachers as authors in a Bakhtinian critical dialogue). In O. Dysthe, I. Johanne Ness & P. O. Kierkegaard (Eds.), Dialogisk pdagogik, kreativitet og lring (Dialogic pedagogy, creativity, and learning) (pp. 177-215). arhus, Denmark: KLIM.
Matusov, E. (2020). Pattern-recognition, intersubjectivity, and dialogic meaning-making in education (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, E1-E24, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2020.314. Retrieved from
Asterhan, C. S., Howe, C., Lefstein, A., Matusov, E., & Reznitskaya, A. (2020). Controversies and consensus in research on dialogic teaching and learning. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, S1-S16, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2020.312. Retrieved from
Matusov, E. (2019, November 25). Bakhtinian, ontological dialogic pedagogy: Bakhtinian philosophy of dialogism into education. Video-recorded presentation. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Matusov, E. (2019, November 23). Bakhtin, heteroglossia, and dialogic pedagogies. Interactive podcast for the Hong Kong University students.
Matusov, E., & Kullenberg, T. (2019). Theory and practice relationship in dialogic pedagogy: Tina Kullenberg's interview with Eugene Matusov. EARLI SIG 25 Newsletter, 2019(2). Retrieved from
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & Gradovski, M. (2019). Dialogic pedagogy and polyphonic research art: Bakhtin by and for educators, doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-58057-3. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., Kullenberg, T., & Curtis, K. (2019). Dialogic analysis vs. discourse analysis of dialogic pedagogy: Social science research in the era of positivism and post-truth (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 7, E20-E62, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2019.272. Retrieved from
Marjanovic-Shane, A., Meacham, S., Choi, H. J., Lopez, S., & Matusov, E. (2019). Idea-dying in critical ontological democratic dialogue in classrooms. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 20, 68-79, doi: 10.1016/j.lcsi.2017.10.001.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2019). Intrinsic education and its discontents. In L. Tateo (Ed.), Educational dilemmas: A cultural psychological perspective (pp. 21-40). New York: Routledge.
Matusov, E. (2018). Ethic authorial dialogism as a candidate for post-postmodernism. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 14781479, doi: 10.1080/00131857.2018.1461367.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2018). Teaching as dialogic conceptual art. Knowledge Cultures, 6(2), 9-27, doi: 10.22381/KC6220182.
Matusov, E. (2018). Mapping dialogic pedagogy: Instrumental and non-instrumental education. In A. Rosa & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 274-301), doi: 10.1017/9781316662229. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Matusov, E. (2018). What kills science in school?: Lessons from pre-service teachers responses to urban childrens science inquiries. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 52(2), 257-287, doi: 10.1007/s12124-018-9415-0.
Matusov, E. (2018). Ideological and real socialism of my Soviet childhood, schooling, and teaching: Multi-consciousness. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 6, SC4-SC39, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2018.240. Retrieved from
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., Chen, L., & Tesar, M. (2018). Ideological becoming in socialist and post-socialist childhood and schooling from a dialogic framework. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 6, SC1-SC3, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2018.246. Retrieved from
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2018). Beyond equality and inequality in education: Bakhtinian dialogic ethics approach of human uniqueness to educational justice (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 6, E1-E38, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2018.236.
Matusov, E. (2018). Chronotopic analysis of values in critical ontological dialogic pedagogy. In A. U. Branco & M. C. Lopes-de-Oliveira (Eds.), Alterity, Values and Socialization: Human Development within Educational Contexts (pp. 1-29), doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70506-4_1. Cham, Switzerland: Springler.
Matusov, E. (2017). Nikolai N. Konstantinovs authorial math pedagogy for people with wings: Special issue.
Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 54(1), 1-117. doi: 10.1080/10610405.2017.1352391.
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane A., (2017). Many faces of the concept of culture (and education). Culture and Psychology, 23(3), 309-336, doi: 10.1177/1354067X16655460.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2017). Bakhtins mystical organic holism and its consequences for education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 5, DB61-DB74. doi: 10.5195/dpj.2017.222.
Matusov, E. (2017). Severe limitations of the poietic individual mind.. Review of the book [Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.] Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 5, R1-R8, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2017.178.
Matusov, E., Baker, D., Fan, Y., Choi, H. J., & Hampel, R. L. (2017). Magic Learning Pill: Ontological and instrumental learning in order to speed up education. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 51(3), 456476, doi: 10.1007/s12124-017-9384-8.
Shor, I., Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & Cresswell, J. (2017). Dialogic & Critical Pedagogies: An Interview with Ira Shor. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 5, S1-S21, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2017.208.
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane A. (2017). Promoting students ownership of their own education through critical dialogue and democratic self-governance (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 5, E1-E29, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2017.199.
Matusov, E. (2017). How to engage practitioners from across the learning landscape in the research enterprise: Proposal for phrontic research on education. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 51(1), 94119, doi: 10.1007/s12124-016-9365-3.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2016). Dialogic authorial approach to creativity in education: Transforming a deadly homework into a creative activityeadly homework into a creative activity. In V. P. Glăveanu (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research (pp. 307-325). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
von Duyke, K., & Matusov, E. (2016). Flowery math: A case for heterodiscoursia in mathematics problems solving in recognition of students authorial agency. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 50(3), 420-446, doi: 10.1080/1554480X.2015.1090904.
Matusov, E., Smith, M. P., Soslau, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & von Duyke, K. (2016) Dialogic education from and for authorial agency. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 4, A162-A197, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2016.172.
Matusov, E., von Duyke, K., & Kayumova, S. (2016). Mapping concepts of agency in educational contexts. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 50(3), 420446, doi: 10.1007/s12124-015-9334-2.
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & Meacham, S. (2016). Pedagogical voyeurism: Dialogic critique of documentation and assessment of learning. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 5(1), 1-26, doi:10.17583/ijep.2016.1886.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2016). The States Educational Neutrality: Radical proposal for educational pluralism (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 4, E1-E26, doi:10.5195/dpj.2016.170.
Matusov, E. (2015). Legitimacy of non-negotiable imposition in diverse approaches to education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 3, A174-A211, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2015.110.
Matusov, E. (2015). Comprehension: A dialogic authorial approach. Culture & Psychology, 21(3), 392-416, doi: 10.1177/1354067X15601197.
Matusov, E. (2015). Four Ages of our relationship with the reality: An educationalist perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47(1), 61-83, doi: 10.1080/00131857.2013.860369
Matusov, E. (2015). Vygotsky's theory of human development and new approaches to education. In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 25, pp. 316321). Oxford: Elsevier.
Matusov, E. (2015). Chronotopes in education: Conventional and dialogic. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 3, A65-A97, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2015.107.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2015). Rehabilitation of power in Democratic Dialogic Education. In K. Jezierska, L. Koczanowicz (Eds). Democracy in dialogue, dialogue in democracy (pp. 193-209). Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2015). Typology of critical dialogue and power relations in Democratic Dialogic Education. In K. Jezierska, L. Koczanowicz (Eds). Democracy in dialogue, dialogue in democracy (pp. 211-229). Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Matusov, E., & Lemke, J. (2015). Values in dialogic pedagogy (Editorial). Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 3, E1-E20, doi: 0.5195/dpj.2015.141.
Matusov, E., Miyazaki, K. (2014). Dialogue on dialogic pedagogy. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 2, SI:ddp1-47, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2014.121.
Matusov, E., & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2014). Democratic dialogic education for and from authorial agency: An interview with professor Eugene Matusov, Europe's Journal of Psychology, 10(1), 9-26, doi:10.5964/ejop.v10i1.762
Matusov, E., & Wegerif, R. (2014). Dialogue on dialogic education: Has Rupert gone over to the Dark Side? (Editorial) Dialogic Pedagogy Journal, 2, E1-E20, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2014.78.
Matusov, E., Hampel, R., Golinkoff, R., & Jones, A. (2014, February 26). Age of measurement, Part1. The Education Graduate Association Forum, University of Delaware, Newark, USA. Video is available online:
Matusov, E. (2014, January 31). Dialogic pedagogy for the University and beyond. Invited presentation at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Video is available online:
Matusov, E., Marjanovic-Shane, A., & Ben-David Kolikant, Y. (2013). DPJ Editorial: Launching the new journal. (Editorial) Dialogic Pedagogy Journal, 1, E1-E7, doi: 10.5195/dpj.2013.14.
Matusov, E. & Brobst, J. (2013). Radical experiment in dialogic pedagogy in higher education and its Centauric failure: Chronotopic analysis. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.
Matusov, E., & Smith, M. (2012). The middle-class nature of identity and its implications for education: A genealogical analysis. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 46(3), doi: 10.1007/s12124-012-9192-0.
Matusov, E., von Duyke, K., & Meacham, S. (2012). Community of Learners: Ontological and non-ontological projects. Outlines: Critical Practice Studies, 14(1), 41 - 72.
Matusov, E. & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2012). Diverse approaches to education: Alienated learning, closed and open participatory socialization, and critical dialogue. Human Development, 55(3), 159-166. doi: 10.1159/000339594.
Matusov, E. & von Duyke, K. (2012). Broader outside social discourses, embodiment, and technism in James Cresswells critique of the discourse analysis methodology. Discourse & Society, 23(5), 609-618.
Matusov, E. (2011). Authorial teaching and learning. In E. J. White & M. Peters (Eds.), Bakhtinian pedagogy: Opportunities and challenges for research, policy and practice in education across the globe (pp. 21-46). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Matusov, E. (2011). Imagining No Child Left Behind being freed from neoliberal hijackers. Democracy and Education, 19 (2), 1-8.
Smith, M. P., & Matusov, E. (2011). A proposal for a new schooling: Reciprocity and authentic dialogue. Review of the book [Sidorkin, A. M. (2002). Learning relations: Impure education, deschooled schools, & dialogue with evil. New York: P. Lang.] Mind, Culture, and Activity, 18(3), 297-300.
Matusov, E. (2011). Irreconcilable differences in Vygotskys and Bakhtins approaches to the social and the individual: An educational perspective. Culture & Psychology, 17 (1), 99-119.
Matusov, E. (2011). Neither desire nor psychotherapy. Review of the book [Pollard, R. (2008). Dialogue and desire: Mikhail Bakhtin and the linguistic turn in psychotherapy. London: Karnac.] Theory & Psychology, 21 (4), 550-554.
Matusov, E., & Smith, M. (2011). Ecological model of inter-institutional sustainability of after-school program: The La Red Mgica community-university partnership in Delaware. Outline: Critical Practice Studies, 5(1), 19-45.
Matusov, E. (2011). Too many references, just cut a few and it will be perfect: APA vs. Chicago. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 18(1), 58-66.
Matusov, E. (2011, September). Agency in education: Authorial learning and teaching. Paper presented at the meetings of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, Rome, Italy. Video is available online:
Matusov, E. (2010). Schooling as an industry of economy (the full version). Review of the book [Sidorkin, A. (2009). Labor of learning: Market and the next generation of educational reform. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.] Power & Education, 2(1), 111-114 (the short version).
Matusov, E. & Soslou, E. (2010). A structuralist approach to argumentation in education. Review essay of the book [Muller Mirza, N., & Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (2009, Eds.), Argumentation and education: Theoretical foundations and practices. New York: Springer]. Culture and Psychology, 16(4), 549557.
Matusov, E., & von Duyke, K. (2010). Bakhtins notion of the Internally Persuasive Discourse in education: Internal to what? (A case of discussion of issues of foul language in teacher education). In K. Junefelt & P. Nordin (Eds.), Proceedings from the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on perspectives and limits of dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin Stockholm University, Sweden June 3-5, 2009 (pp. 174-199). Stockholm: Stockholm University.
Matusov, E., DePalma, R., & Smith, M. (2010). The creation and maintenance of a learning-loving minority in conventional high school: A research-based response to John Ogbu. Oxford Review of Education, 36(4), 463480.
Matusov, E. (2010). Review of the book [Sidorkin, A. (2009). Labor of learning: Market and the next generation of educational reform. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.] Power & Education, 2(1), 111-114.
Matusov, E. (2009). Journey into dialogic pedagogy (13-chapter monograph). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.
Matusov, E. (2009). The School of the Dialogue of Cultures pedagogical movement in Ukraine and Russia. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 47(1), 3-19.
Solomadin, I., & Matusov, E. (2009). Eugene Matusovs interview with Igor Solomadin, one of the founders of the School of the Dialogue of Cultures pedagogical movement. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 47(2).
Sullivan, P., Smith, M., & Matusov, E. (2009). Bakhtin, Socrates and the carnivalesque in education. New Ideas in Psychology, 27 (3), 305-362.
DePalma, R., Matusov, E., & Smith, M. (2009). Smuggling authentic learning into the school context: Transitioning from an innovative elementary to a conventional high school. Teachers College Record, 111 (4), 934-972.
Mndez, L., Lacasa, P., & Matusov, E. (2008). Transcending the zone of learning disability: Learning in contexts for everyday life. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23 (1), 63-73.
Baker-Sennett, J., Matusov, E., & Rogoff, B. (2008). Children's planning under the direction of adults or other children. Social Development, 17(4), 999-1018.
Matusov, E. (2008). Sociocultural approach to Vygotskian academia: Our tsar isnt like yours, and yours isnt like ours. Culture & Psychology, 14 (1), 5-35.
Matusov, E. (2008). Dialogue with cultural-historical Vygotskian colleagues about a sociocultural approach. Culture & Psychology, 14 (1), 81-93.
Matusov, E., & Hampel, R. (2008). Two perspectives on promotion. Academe, 94 (1), 37-39.
Mayo, C., Alburquerque Candela, M., Matusov, E., & Smith M. (2008). Families and schools apart: University experience to assist Latino/a parents activism. In F. Peterman (Ed.), Partnering book: Community activism in partnering to prepare urban teachers, pp., 103-132. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Matusov, E., DePalma, R. & Drye, S. (2007). Whose development? Salvaging the concept of development within a sociocultural approach to education. Educational Theory, 57 (4), 403-421.
Matusov, E., St. Julien, J., Lacasa, P., & Alburquerque Candela, M. (2007). Learning as a communal process and as a byproduct of social activism. Outlines: Critical Social Studies, 1(1), 21-37.
Matusov, E., Smith, M., Candela, M. A., & Lilu, K. (2007). Culture has no internal territory: Culture as dialogue. In J. Valsiner & A. Rosa (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Socio-Cultural Psychology (pp. 460-483). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Matusov, E. (2007). In search of "the appropriate" unit of analysis for sociocultural research. Culture & Psychology, 13(3), 307333.
Matusov, E. (2007). Application of Bakhtin scholarship on discourse and education: A critical review essay. Educational Theory, 57 (2), 215-237.
Matusov, E., & Smith, M. P. (2007). Teaching imaginary children: University students narratives about their Latino practicum children. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(5), 705-729.
Hayes, R., & Matusov, E. (2005). Designing for dialogue in place of teacher talk and student silence. Culture and Psychology, 11(3), 339-357.
Matusov, E., Hayes, R., & Pluta, M. J. (2005). Using a discussion web to develop an academic community of learners. Educational Technology & Society, 8(2), 16-39.
Matusov, E., St. Julien, J., & Hayes, R. (2005). Building a creole educational community as the goal of multicultural education for preservice teachers. In L.V. Barnes (Ed.), Contemporary Teaching and Teacher Issues, pp. 1-38. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.
Hayes, R., & Matusov, E. (2005). From ownership to dialogic addressivity: Defining successful digital storytelling projects, Technology, Humanities, Education, Narrative (THEN) Journal, March 3, available online:
Matusov, E. (2004). Bakhtin's debit in educational research: Dialogic pedagogy. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 42(6), 3-11.
Matusov, E. & St. Julien, J. (2004). Print literacy as oppression: Cases of bureaucratic, colonial, totalitarian literacies and their implications for schooling. TEXT International Journal, 24(2), 197-244.
Matusov, E., Pleasants, H., & Smith, M. (2003). Dialogic framework for cultural psychology: Culture-in-action and culturally sensitive guidance. Review Interdisciplinary Journal on Human Development, Culture and Education, 4(1), available online:
Matusov, E., & Rogoff, B. (2002). Newcomers and oldtimers: Educational philosophy-in-actions of parent volunteers in a community of learners school. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 33(4), 1-26.
Matusov, E., Bell, N., & Rogoff, B. (2002). Schooling as cultural process: Shared thinking and guidance by children from schools differing in collaborative practices. In R. Kail & H. Reese (Eds.) Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol. 29, pp. 129-160. New York: Academic Press.
Matusov, E., & Hayes, R. (2002). Building a community of educators versus effecting conceptual change in individual students: Multicultural education for preservice teachers. In G. Wells & G. Claxton (Eds.) Learning for life in the 21st century: Sociocultural perspectives on the future of education, pp. 239-251. Cambridge University Press.
Hayes, R. & Matusov, E. (2001). [Review of book Research on Young Blind Children's Development: Struggles With a Deficit Model and Cognitivism Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children, by M. Perez Pereira and G. Conti-Ramsden; Hove, UK: Psychology Press, 1999.] Linguistics and Education, 12(4), 467-470.
E. (2001).
as a way of informing teaching design for a community of learners classroom.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(4), 383-402.
E. (2001).
theory of human development and new approaches to education. In N. J.
Smelser and P. B. Baltes (Eds), International Encyclopedia of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford.
Matusov, E. (2001). Becoming an adult member in a community of learners. In L. Bartlett, C. Goodman-Turkanis, & B. Rogoff (Eds.), Learning together: Children and adults in a school community. New York: Oxford University Press.
Matusov, E., St. Julien, J., & Whitson, J. A. (2001). PBL in preservice teacher education. In S. Groh, B. Duch, and D. Allen (Eds), The power of Problem-based Learning: A practical "How To" for teaching undergraduate courses in any discipline (pp.237-249). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Matusov, E. (2001). [Review of the book The theory of developmental learning activity in education: Dialectics of the learning content, by M. Hedegaard & J. Lompscher (Eds.)]. Culture and Psychology, 7(2), 231-240.
Tisa, L., & Matusov, E. (2001). [Review of the book
Watch IT: The risks and promises of information technology for education by N. Burbules and T. Callister]. Education Review.
Matusov, E., & Hayes, R. (2000). Sociocultural critique of Piaget and Vygotsky. In New Directions in Psychology, 18(2-3): 215-239.
Matusov, E. (2000, November). La Red Mgica: Building a professional community of educators. About Teaching: A newsletter of the Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware, 54.
E. (1999). How
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Matusov, E., Lowery, P., Bergeron, V.,
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J., & Matusov, E. (1997). School
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E., & White, C. (1996). Defining
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E., & Rogoff, B. (1995). Evidence
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In J. Folk (Ed.), Public institutions for personal learning:
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E., Bell, N., & Rogoff, B. (1994). [Review
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B., Baker-Sennett, J., & Matusov, E. (1994). Considering the concept of
planning. In M. Haith, J. Benson,
B. Pennington, & R. Roberts (Eds.), Future-oriented processes.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Matusov, E., & Rogoff, B. (1993). Dual approaches to development in context [Review of book Context and Development]. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 1087-1088.
J., Matusov, E., & Rogoff, B. (1993). Development
in planning and planning in development. In H. Reese (Ed.), Advances in
child development and behavior, (Vol.24),
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B., Chavajay, P., & Matusov, E. (1993).
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and Brain Sciences, 16:3.
J., Matusov, E., & Rogoff, B. (1992). Sociocultural processes of creative
planning in children's playcrafting. In P. Light & G. Butterworth (Eds.)
and cognition: Ways of learning and knowing. Hertfordshire, UK: Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
Fogel, A., Nwokah, E., Dedo, J. Y., Dickson, L., Messinger, D., Matusov, E., et al. (1992). Authors' response The social process theory of emotion: A radical contextualist perspective. Social Development, 1(2), 147-150.
A., Nwokah, E., Dedo, J., Messinger, D., Dickson, L., Matusov, E., & Holt,
S. (1992). Social process theory of emotion: A dynamic systems
approach. Social
Development, 1, 122-150.